Friday, July 5, 2024

Solar Prom Animation from 7-2-24

This is my second solar animation. Processing went a little smoother as I am getting more familiar with techniques. This time around I darkened the surface since there was nothing noteworthy in the region of the prominences. The roughly 6 second animation represents 1 hour and 4 minutes of real time on the sun. It started off pretty well detail wise, however, the sharpness seemed to get worse halfway through. I think this was due to diminishing seeing conditions, especially since it was very cloudy an hour later.

The large prominence in the right portion is quite impressive, however, I really like how the portion in the lower region floats above the chromosphere accepting particle releases from the large prom and releasing particles to the left.

Higher Quality:

Solar Prom Animation from 7-2-24
Date: 7-2-24
Camera: ZWO ASI174MM-Pro
Telescope: Orion ED80
Barlow: DayStar Quark 4.2x
Focal Length: 600mm (2520mm w/Quark)
F/7.5 (F/31.5 w Quark)
Focal Reducer: none
Mount: ZWO AM3
Filter Adaptor: None
Filter: Baader UV-IR, Daystar Quark
Focuser: None
Autoguiding: None
Exposure: 7.34s - 64 min (100 of 500 every 30s)
Gain: 100
Offset 0
FPS: 67
Temp: 18 C
Processing: SharpCap, AutoStakkert, PixInsight, IMPPG, Topaz Denoise, Photoshop

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