Monday, July 22, 2024

Huge Prominence on 7-17-24

I captured this very large prominence on 7-17-24 while making a video comparing the ASI174 to the ASI178 for solar imaging with my setup - Link. I was stunned when I saw this prominence through the eyepiece after doing my testing and decided to image this. For reference, this is the southeast portion of the sun and the sunspot is designated as 3756. I originally attempted to make a time-lapse, however, in my haste to take advantage of the clear morning sun quickly set up my mount onto the concrete blocks which point to the general direction but you still need to check the polar alignment with a compass, Stellarium, or some other app. I completely forgot 😕 and was wondering why it was veering off after a few minutes - oh well!

Huge Prominence on 7-17-24
Date: 7-17-24
Camera: ZWO ASI174MM-Pro
Telescope: Orion ED80
Barlow: DayStar Quark 4.2x
Focal Length: 600mm (2520mm w/Quark)
F/7.5 (F/31.5 w Quark)
Focal Reducer: none
Mount: ZWO AM3
Filter Adaptor: None
Filter: Baader UV-IR, Daystar Quark
Focuser: None
Autoguiding: None
Exposure: 8.10s (100 of 500)
Gain: 100
Offset 0
FPS: 67
Temp: 18 C
Processing: SharpCap, AutoStakkert, PixInsight, IMPPG, Topaz Denoise, Photoshop

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