Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Solar Surface & Proms from 6-1-24

This is a long delayed image from three weeks ago of the sun (there were two but this was the best) - been busy with the end of the semester and such. I eventually would like to do more animations but that takes a lot of time and I need more general practice. I like how the prominences turned out as well as the surface detail especially around the active region with the sunspots. I especially like how the two main prominences are actually connected to each other as shown in the image. 

Unfortunately I don't know the designations since they were collected a few weeks ago. If you go on the solar websites that I know it is straightforward to get the designations, however, it is not so easy. I like processing these images but it is much different than processing deep sky stuff. The next purchase would be an autofocuser however the reason I haven't purchased it yet is that I use this scope for visual solar and I find using the manual focus knob much easier than anything else for visual purposes. On the other hand, all you really need to do is unscrew two allen wrench push pin screws (for a ZWO EAF) and you can make it manual so I think that is next.

Higher Quality:

The Solar Surface from 6-1-24
Date: 6-1-24
Camera: ZWO ASI174MM-Pro
Telescope: Orion ED80
Barlow: DayStar Quark 4.2x
Focal Length: 600mm (2520mm w/Quark)
F/7.5 (F/31.5 w Quark)
Focal Reducer: none
Mount: ZWO AM3
Filter Adaptor: None
Filter: Baader UV-IR, Daystar Quark
Focuser: None
Autoguiding: None
Exposure: 100 x 6.134 ms (100 of 500)
Gain: 100
Offset 0
FPS: 66
Temp: 15 C
Processing: SharpCap, AutoStakkert, IMPPG, Photoshop, TopazDenoise

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