Sunday, June 30, 2024

Active Regions from 6-4-24

During this quick observing and testing session from a few weeks ago, surface features were quite apparent. An Active Region is concentration magnetic activity that has several types of features within the area. In this region, numerous sunspots (dark spots) are concentrated in three areas. Plages, bright yellow areas near the spots associated with high heating, are also visible. Lastly, Active Region Filaments (ARF), long dark fibrous strands populate the left and central active regions.

PS: This was the last of the older solar images, I only have one more and that is only five days old... 

Higher Quality:

Active Regions from 6-4-24
Date: 6-4-24
Camera: ZWO ASI174MM-Pro
Telescope: Orion ED80
Barlow: DayStar Quark 4.2x
Focal Length: 600mm (2520mm w/Quark)
F/7.5 (F/31.5 w Quark)
Focal Reducer: none
Mount: ZWO AM3
Filter Adaptor: None
Filter: Baader UV-IR, Daystar Quark
Focuser: None
Autoguiding: None
Exposure: 100 x 7.974 ms (100 of 500)
Gain: 100
Offset 0
FPS: 66
Temp: 15 C
Processing: SharpCap, AutoStakkert, IMPPG, Photoshop, Gradient XTerminator, TopazDenoise.

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