Friday, August 23, 2024

Jupiter-Mars 8-19-24

While in Santa Monica vacationing I managed to get Jupiter and Mars in the same FOV with my Canon EOS T3i (600D) and a 200mm Lens on the morning of 8-19-24. They were closest between the 14th and 15th. The sky conditions were not ideal, lots of light pollution but Jupiter was easily seen as was Mars. Jupiter's four moons (Galilan) were in an alignment starting from the bottom left Callisto, Io, Jupiter , Europa, and finally Ganymede on the top right. Mars was quite bright as well as it will be approaching Earth, thus appearing larger and brighter. The spikes around Jupiter and Mars are caused by aperture adjuster. Had I planned this better I would have kept the aperture open and used step down rings.

Camera: Canon T3i/600D
Telescope: Canon EF 200mm f/2.8L II USM Lens
Barlow: None
Focal Length: 200mm
Focal Reducer: none
Mount: Cheap Tripod
ASI120 Mini attached to a ZWO Mini guidescope - None
Exposure: 1.6s
ISO: 1600
Temp: 18 C
Processing: PixInsight, Photoshop

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