Thursday, May 30, 2024

Solar Flares/Prominances from 5-26-24

This image focuses on the solar flares/prominences, however, the chromosphere does show some amazing structure. I like the swirling flames of these prominences and they look better than ones I have captured up to this point. The previous full disk image was with an inexpensive white light filter whereas this was with an expensive eyepiece solar filter known as a Quark. The Daystar Quark uses a specialized hydrogen etalon filter designed for solar imaging. I have the Chromosphere model which focuses mainly on the surface but does a decent job on the flares. There is a Flare model that focuses on the flares rather than on the surface. Rumor has it that the Chromosphere does a better overall job so I went with it instead of the Flare model. There is also a Gemini model which can switch between the flares and chromosphere but it is twice the price.

I used Sharpcap for capturing and am getting more comfortable with it. Processing was done with AutoStackert, IMPPG, and Photoshop. I am sure a more experienced solar processor would be able to produce a better image but I am having a good time playing around with it.


Higher Quality

Solar Flares/Prominances from 5-26-24
Date: 5-26-24
Camera: ZWO ASI174MM-Pro
Telescope: Orion ED80
Barlow: DayStar Quark 4.2x
Focal Length: 600mm (2520mm w/Quark)
F/7.5 (F/31.5 w Quark)
Focal Reducer: none
Mount: Orion Sirius EQ
Filter Adaptor: None
Filter: Baader UV-IR, Daystar Quark
Focuser: None
Autoguiding: None
Exposure: 100 x 8.4020 ms (100 of 500)
Gain: 100
Offset 0
FPS: 65
Temp: 15 C
Processing: SharpCap, AutoStakkert, IMPPG, Photoshop

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