Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Beta Test 3 - Equipment

I was out again checking set up time and doing another test.  
- Ten minutes to get all set up.

Essential Equipment

The rest of the test consisted of checking camera automation plan and the sun drift caused by using a fixed mount.

Automation plan - 
Exposure 1/2000 sec, ISO 200

Exposure 1/200 sec, ISO 200 

Exposure 1/20 sec, ISO 200 

Exposure 1/2 sec, ISO 200

I plan to set this sequence do a continuous loop starting 2 minutes prior to totality until 2 minutes after totality.  Total time of 5 or 6 minutes depending on our exact location.  

Things Learned
- The sun is in the rough center of the field of view (FOV) for over 2 minutes, therefore, only 1 or 2 adjustments are necessary to keep the sun in the center.

- The Explore Scientific Twilight I mount is very sturdy and able to preform fine adjustments.

- Using a fixed tripod with a 400 mm focal length telescope limits the exposure to 1/2 second.  I tried a 1 second exposure and the sun started to look oblong.

- The 4 exposure sequence takes approximately 16 seconds using Backyard EOS saving to the camera.

- The sun is really bright!  No kidding Sherlock.  Notice the first 3 exposures compared to the 1/2 second exposure.  I did not change the size or zoom in, brightness is just that it masks the surface.  That's why you need solar filters to look at the sun.

- I may miss Bailey's Beads or the diamond effect as the sun enters totality due to the amount of time it takes for the exposure sequence but I am very familiar with this procedure and it is automated so I can enjoy seeing the eclipse (HOPING NO CLOUDS GET IN THE WAY)!

(Previous test)

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