Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Pleiades - M45 w/ H-alpha (2024)

This is my latest image of Messier 45, The Pleiades Cluster (Seven Sisters), in the constellation Taurus. Lying 444 light-years away it contains over 1,000 stars loosely bound by gravity however only few of the brightest ones give it its fame. The blue reflection nebula around the star cluster is a result of the cluster just passing through a gigantic dust cloud.

For this project I decided to use my 300mm Askar telescope combined with the ZWO ASI2600MC camera to get a wider field of view than previous attempts. In addition I went after some of the faint hydrogen surrounding the cluster with my IDAS NBZ dual band filter. The dual band filter picks up Hydrogen (Ha) at 656.3nm and Oxygen (OIII) at 495.9nm (& 500.7nm) with a bandwidth of 12nm for both Ha and OIII. The newer IDAS NBZ-II has a bandwidth of 10nm for Ha and 8nm for OIII which narrows the light band thus filtering more of the undesired light (i.e. better). Surprisingly the stacked image using the NBZ filter was not too different from the straight color image without any additional filter other than the built in camera UV/IR. I believe the 12nm bandwidth for the OIII was enough to overlap with the normal reflection color - sometimes a wider bandwidth has an advantage.

For this image, however, I separeted NBZ image into indivual RGB channels and only used the red channel data which is actually the Ha. I then blended that into the normal color image to make this HaRGB image. Of course I wanted to collect more data but obtaining it was a bit difficult with crazy weather. We did have some clear nights but the best ones seemed to be when the moon was out. It is OK to image with narrowband filters when the moon is out using the general rule of thumb: farther than 60° for Ha and 120° for OIII. The problem with M45 was that the moon not only was within 60° of M45, it was directly in front of it.

High Resolution:

Dates: 11-26-24, 12-1, 12-2, 12-3, 12-8, 12-26

The Pleiades - M45 w/ H-alpha (2024)
Dates: 11-26-24, 12-1, 12-2, 12-3, 12-8, 12-26
Camera: ZWO ASI2600MC Pro
Telescope: Askar FRA300 Pro
Barlow: None
Focal Length: 300mm
Focal Reducer: None
Mount: ZWO AM3
Filter Adaptor: ZWO Filter Drawer
Filter: IDAS NBZ, Camera UV-IR
Focuser: ZWO EAF
Autoguiding: ASI120 Mini attached to a ZWO Mini guidescope
Exposure: UV-IR 575 x 90 (14h 22'), NBZ 190 x 300 (15h 50'), Total (30h 12')
Gain: 100
Offset 0
Temp: -10 C
Processing: Asiair app, PixInsight, Photoshop, BlurXT, NoiseXT, StarX, Bill's Color Masks, Bill's Star Reduction, Bill's Stretching, Topaz Denoise, GraXpert
