I replaced the standard focuser on my
Orion ED80 refractor with a
Moonlite Dual Speed CF Focuser. I am able to get much better clarity especially when imaging. As a newbie, I have been experimenting with post processing (i.e. Deep Sky Stacker, Registax, and Photoshop) to better my images. The results of some of this is below.
Addendum (2018)
Reprocessing some images to even out the background for a Messier Poster!
M3 - Globular Cluster with about 500,000 stars and 33,000 light-years from Earth located in the constellation of Canes Venatici. The bright orange star Arcturus located in Bootes can be used to locate this cluster which very difficult to view with the naked eye.

stacked, flattened, set the black point
M3 - Glubular Cluster (mag +6.2)
Location: My Driveway, Monroe, CT
Date/Time: 5/22/15 23:51 PM
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3i, Backyard EOS
Telescope: Orion ED80 80mm f/7.5 Apochromatic Refractor Telescope
Mount: Orion Sirius EQ-G GoTo Telescope Mount
Autoguiding: None
Focal Length: 600mm (lens)
Exposure: 1-20s, 1-30s, 1-60s, 1-90s (3min 20s)
ISO: 1600
Post Processing: DSS, Photoshop (flattened, set the black point)

stacked, flattened
M3 - Glubular Cluster (mag +6.2)
Location: My Driveway, Monroe, CT
Date/Time: 5/22/15 23:54 PM
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3i, Backyard EOS
Telescope: Orion ED80 80mm f/7.5 Apochromatic Refractor Telescope
Mount: Orion Sirius EQ-G GoTo Telescope Mount
Autoguiding: None
Focal Length: 600mm (lens)
Exposure: 1-20s, 1-30s, 1-60s, 1-90s
ISO: 1600
Post Processing: DSS, Photoshop (flattened)

M3 - Glubular Cluster (mag +6.2)
Location: My Driveway, Monroe, CT
Date/Time: 5/22/15 23:54 PM
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3i, Backyard EOS
Telescope: Orion ED80 80mm f/7.5 Apochromatic Refractor Telescope
Mount: Orion Sirius EQ-G GoTo Telescope Mount
Autoguiding: None
Focal Length: 600mm (lens)
Exposure: 1-20s, 1-30s, 1-60s, 1-90s
ISO: 1600
Post Processing: DSS, Photoshop

single frame, dark subtract, adjust histogram
M3 - Glubular Cluster (mag +6.2)
Location: My Driveway, Monroe, CT
Date/Time: 5/22/15 23:54 PM
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3i, Backyard EOS
Telescope: Orion ED80 80mm f/7.5 Apochromatic Refractor Telescope
Mount: Orion Sirius EQ-G GoTo Telescope Mount
Autoguiding: None
Focal Length: 600mm (lens)
Exposure: 1-90s
ISO: 1600
Post Processing: Photoshop (dark subtract, adjust histogram)

single frame, dark subtract
M3 - Glubular Cluster (mag +6.2)
Location: My Driveway, Monroe, CT
Date/Time: 5/22/15 23:54 PM
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3i, Backyard EOS
Telescope: Orion ED80 80mm f/7.5 Apochromatic Refractor Telescope
Mount: Orion Sirius EQ-G GoTo Telescope Mount
Autoguiding: None
Focal Length: 600mm (lens)
Exposure: 1-90s
ISO: 1600
Post Processing: Photoshop (dark subtract)
The following shots of the moon were probably the most focused shots I ever took. Even when magnified, they are still clear.
M3 - Moon, Waxing Crescent
Location: My Backyard, Monroe, CT
Date/Time: 5/23/15 21:46 PM
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3i, Backyard EOS
Telescope: Orion ED80 80mm f/7.5 Apochromatic Refractor Telescope
Mount: Orion Sirius EQ-G GoTo Telescope Mount
Autoguiding: None
Focal Length: 600mm (lens)
Exposure: 1/280s
ISO: 200
Post Processing: none
M3 - Moon, Waxing Crescent
Location: My Backyard, Monroe, CT
Date/Time: 5/23/15 21:46 PM
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3i, Backyard EOS
Telescope: Orion ED80 80mm f/7.5 Apochromatic Refractor Telescope
Mount: Orion Sirius EQ-G GoTo Telescope Mount
Autoguiding: None
Focal Length: 600mm (lens)
Exposure: 1/280s
ISO: 200
M3 - Moon, Waxing Crescent
Location: My Backyard, Monroe, CT
Date/Time: 5/23/15 21:46 PM
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3i, Backyard EOS
Telescope: Orion ED80 80mm f/7.5 Apochromatic Refractor Telescope
Mount: Orion Sirius EQ-G GoTo Telescope Mount
Autoguiding: None
Focal Length: 600mm (lens)
Exposure: 1/280s
ISO: 200
Post Processing: Photshop, Photo Editor