Saturday, December 21, 2024

M15 - A different Look! (2024)

Messier 15 is a glubular cluster located some 35,000 light-years away in the constellation of Pegasus (a.k.a. The Winged Horse). At an age of roughly 12 billion years, it is one of the oldest globular clusters known. The last time I imaged this was in 2018 so it was time for a revisit. This time around I went after some the integrated galactic dust (IFN) as well as the very faint hydrogen gas in this region of space. I was very happy to get some of the gas and dust especially since none of this was in any of the subframes. 

M15 - A different Look! (2024)
Dates: 10-23-24, 10-24, 10-26, 10-27, 10-28, 11-1, 11-2, 11-3, 11-5, 11-7, 11-9, 11-15, 11-16, 11-24, 12-1
Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-Pro
Telescope: Astro-Tech AT115EDT 115mm Refractor Telescope
Barlow: None
Focal Length: 805mm (644mm w/ FR)
Focal Reducer: 0.8x AstroTech Field Flatterner/Focal Reducer
Mount: Orion Sirius
Filter Wheel: ZWO
EFW 8 x 1.25"
Filter: Antlia Ha; ZWO R, G, B, UV
Focuser: ZWO EAF
Autoguiding: ASI120 Mini attached to an Agena 50mm Guide Scope/ZWO 60mm Guidescope
Exposure: Ha 248 x 300, UV 336 x 90, R 48 x 90, G 51 x 90, B 48 x 90 (  h  ')
Gain: 139
Offset 20
Sensor Temp: -10 C
Processing: NINA, PixInsight, Photoshop, BlurXTerminator, StarXTerminator, NoiseXTerminator, GraXpert, Bill Blanshan Stretching, Topaz Denoise.

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