Sunday, February 12, 2023

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) visiting Mars

So I am not going to call this comet rare anymore seeing how there are more images of this than ever (kidding - this one is quite rare), nor am I going to call this the green comet since most of them are due to the composition. As they move close to the sun the icy outer surface boils away some organic matter which then forms a rare C2 molecule which produces the eerie green glow.

Once again I was only able to capture a small amount of time on this (23 minutes). However, I made the most of what I captured with the ZWO ASI2600MC connected to the Canon 200mm lens set at Focal Ratio of 4 (F/4). I really wanted to get more time so I could get the ion tail to stand out more. In my image it is the thin dim secondary tail pointing down from the main portion.

There is a lot of other stuff in this image if you look. Some of my favorites are the dark regions just above and to the left of Mars. The largest is named the Taurus Dark Cloud Nebula (B 22) but several others adjacent to it. Inside the cloud there is small dense reflection nebula named the Little Flame Nebula (2087). 


Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) visiting Mars
Dates: 2-10-23
Camera: ZWO ASI2600MC-Pro
Telescope: Canon EF 200mm f/2.8L II USM Lens
Barlow: None
Focal Length: 200mm
f/4 with stepdown rings
Focal Reducer: None
Mount: Orion Atlas Pro
Filter Wheel/Drawer: ZWO EOS Filter Drawer
Filter: None
Focuser: None
Autoguiding: ASI120 Mini attached to a ZWO Mini 30/120mm Guidescope
Exposure: 23 x 60
Gain: 100
Sensor Temp: -20 C
Processing: ASIAIR Pro, PixInsight, Photoshop, StarXTerminator, NoiseXTerminator, GradientXTerminator, BTX.
Power: BINZET AC to DC 12V 10A 120W Power Supply

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